Meet the New EarthScope National Office
Over the next four years, the EarthScope National Office (ESNO) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks will focus on bringing EarthScope science to the public and fostering EarthScope scientific synthesis efforts.
- Jeff Freymuller, a geophysicist and geodesist with UAF’s Geophysical Institute, is the new ESNO director.
- Carl Tape is a seismologist with the Geophysical Institute.
- Elisabeth Nadin is a structural geologist and coordinator for ESNO education and outreach efforts.
- Jessica Larsen is a volcanologist with the Geophysical Institute and Alaska Volcano Observatory.
- David Fee, also with the Geophysical Institute, specializes in volcano acoustics.
Learn more in our about page.
Call for Ideas: EarthScope Synthesis
As the EarthScope instrumentation program approaches completion, it is time for the geosciences
community to consider what have been the main research highlights resulting from the project.
Over the next four years, the EarthScope National Office (ESNO) will support a series of
EarthScope Synthesis Workshops. We are looking for ideas and participation on synthesizing
multiple streams of data toward a single region or problem. For example, geophysical data from
USArray and PBO activities could be linked with structural and petrological interpertations, with
implications for surface processes. Synthesis topics need to include work that has been done
using EarthScope data or supported by the EarthScope science program. However, we encourage
scientists to think broadly, beyond purely geophysical topics.
These workshops are an excellent chance to broaden the scope of EarthScope research. We are looking for (1) synthesis topics, and (2) individuals who would like to collaborate on synthesis topics for the workshops. Each workshop will bring together a group of 10–15 Earth scientists from varied subdisciplines.
Visit the website our online pages for further information on how to submit ideas for synthesis topics.
Call for Community Engagement
Are you a scientist interested in participating in the outreach activities of the EarthScope National Office? We keep the following information updated and rely in
part on your involvement.
Journal publications: please send us references of your EarthScope –related or –funded research.
Media contacts: if you are willing to be contacted by the news media, please email us with your biographical information, including 3–5 key words that describe your
scientific expertise.
Story ideas: email us if you would like to publicize your research via our quarterly newletter inSights.
Social media: we update Facebook and Twitter feeds every day, and are happy to include your quick news or photo items.