The EarthScope National Office (ESNO) was a rotating, university-based organization that facilitated scientific planning and coordinated education and outreach efforts for the EarthScope community. The ESNO also organized the EarthScope National Meeting and several scientific workshops held throughout the year. The EarthScope Observatories were operated and maintained as a collaborative effort by UNAVCO, Inc., and the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). The first EarthScope National Office was located at Oregon State University (2007-2011) under the direction of Anne Trehu, the second at Arizona State University (2011-2015) under the direction of Ramon Arrowsmith, and the third at University of Alaska, Fairbanks Geophysical Institute (2015-2019) under the direction of Jeff Freymueller.
Support for the EarthScope Steering Committee and all subcommittees and/or working groups
Schedule and provide logistical support for meetings
Schedule and provide logistical support for regularly scheduled teleconferences
Assists in development and distribution of pre-meeting materials
Produce and distribute minutes for meetings and teleconferences
Implement ESSC and NSF recommendations
Support and facilitate EarthScope Synthesis Workshops
Bring researchers together in a working setting to foster integration of EarthScope science
Foster multidisciplinary working groups and communities
Assists in development and distribution of pre-meeting materials
Encourage participants to aim for review or synthesis papers as tangible workshop outcomes
Linking scientific Synthesis to Education and Outreach activities
Represent EarthScope at scientific and educational conferences
Maintain informational booth at AGU and GSA meetings
Distribute EarthScope outreach materials and showcase science
Hold meetings/workshops coincident with National/regional professional meetings
Refresh and maintain the EarthScope web site to highlight key science, education, and outreach results dynamically
Continue and expand EarthScope social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, to quickly and effectively communicate EarthScope and related items of interest to the community
Oversee publication of inSights, the EarthScope newsletter (quarterly) summarizing
Recent activities that further EarthScope science, education, and outreach
Issues that concern the community
Facilitate the organization and implementation of the EarthScope Speaker series
Provide opportunities for community planning
Involve and excite the growing EarthScope community
Oversee maintenance and use of the EarthScope listserve to the current high standards
The EarthScope program of the National Science Foundation was served by the EarthScope National Office from 2007-2019, with the establishment of the first ESNO at Oregon State University in 2007. The ESNO served as a hub for EarthScope scientific, educational, and outreach activities. The ESNO worked together in a partnership with the operators of the EarthScope Facility, the EarthScope Steering Committee, NSF, and the scientific community. Since 2007, the ESNO has been located at Oregon State University (2007-2011), Arizona State University (2011-2015), and University of Alaska, Fairbanks Geophysical Institute (2015-2019).
Arizona State University 2011 to 2015

Oregon State University 2007 to 2011
The first ESNO was established at Oregon State University under the direction of Anne Trehu and Bob Lillie (Education and Outreach Manager), in the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences and Department of Geosciences.