
Derek Schutt
Wait, I could do geophysics—physics and math—and go outside?! That's the perfect combination.
Fifteen Years of Earth Science Exploration
The EarthScope National Office
Reflections on the Accomplishments of EarthScope’s USArray
The USArray has operated for over 15 years as a community science facility designed to address EarthScope’s goal of understanding the structure and evolution of the North American continent.
Education Corner: Final inSights Issue
Sharing Science through the EarthScope Speaker Series and Save the Date for the EarthScope Legacy Education and Outreach Virtual Workshop
EarthScope Announcements
inSights Final Issue February 20192018

EarthScope Top 10 Discoveries
Redrawing the Map of the Midcontinent Rift
EarthScope data is changing our views of this billion-year-old feature
Education Corner: 2018 ANGLE Teacher Workshop
This issue features the first ANGLE educator workshop, which focused on giving educators tools for teaching about Alaska geoscience and community resiliency to tsunami and earthquake hazards.
Rhiannon Vieceli
Humans of EarthScope: “I like making interpretations about the earth, which is the common denominator for everyone.”
Media Advisory
Science Educators Gather in Anchorage to Learn about Teaching and Preparing for Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes in Alaska
EarthScope’s Laser Vision: Sharing Lidar Data
High-resolution images reveal fault movement—before and after quakes—to experts and students
EarthScope Announcements
inSights Spring 2018
Education Corner
We explore the senses in this issue, from visual resources for current events-based lessons, to mapping with lasers, to learning about seismic waves through sound. Bonus materials: What wildlife sets off seismic sensors?
EarthScope seismic research inspires landowners and students in Georgia
EarthScope Announcements
inSights Winter 2017-18
PBO Station Highlight
Station OVLS introduces students to plate movement
Rob Hawman
I got into geology originally because I was always fascinated by the history of the earth.
Education Corner
Science Fair season is coming soon, giving students a chance to explore hands-on science. (Photo by Molly Tedesche)
In every inSights issue, we feature a few of the dozens of

Education Corner
In every InSights issue, ESNO features two of the dozens of tools, modules, and activities that utilize EarthScope data to benefit a wide variety of users (K–12, university educators, informal programs like museums or after-school programs).
Summer 2017 Education Corner
In every InSights issue, ESNO features two of the dozens of tools, modules, and activities that utilize EarthScope data to benefit a wide variety of users (K–12, university educators, informal programs like museums or after-school programs)
Spring 2017 Education Corner
In every InSights issue, ESNO features two of the dozens of tools, modules, and activities that utilize EarthScope data to benefit a wide variety of users (K–12, university educators, informal programs like museums or after-school programs)
Winter 2017 Education Corner
In every InSights issue, ESNO features two of the dozens of tools, modules, and activities that utilize EarthScope data to benefit a wide variety of users (K–12, university educators, informal programs like museums or after-school programs)2016

Fall Creek, Oregon
Borehole strainmeter B030 records slip around the world
Fall 2016 Education Corner
For every InSights issue, we feature two of the dozens of tools, modules, and activities that utilize EarthScope data to benefit a wide variety of users. We intend to reach K–12 and university educators, as well as informal programs like museums.
Getting Hands On With EarthScope
By ESNO - Spring 2016
"Wow, it's moving!" was called out frequently in the busy hall that housed the largest (and free!) national science festival. More than 365,000 people of all ages and

Summer 2016 Education Corner
Over the years, an array of tools, modules, and activities applying EarthScope scientific data have been developed for a wide variety of users. K–12 and university educators, or informal programs like museums, can benefit from these resources.
Lights, Cameras, Action!
EarthScope Stories Chronicled on Video2015

EarthScope Science and Disaster Preparedness
Engaging Educators in EarthScope Science and Disaster Preparedness Through Professional Development Workshops in Coastal Cascadia2014

New Active Earth Monitor Content Set
Midcontinent Rift Available in Spring 2015
Teaching Educators: PBO Data and Classroom Resources
by UNAVCO - Fall 2014

New EarthScope Geochronology Graduate Student Research and Training Program
Organizers: Rebecca Flowers (CU), Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU), Jim Metcalf (CU), Blair Schoene (Princeton), Tammy Rittenour (USU) - Fall 2014
The EarthScope Institute on…

Using the Midcontinent Rift as a Unifying Theme for Park Interpreters and Educators
By Seth Stein, Carol Stein, and Eunice Blavascunas - Fall 2014
One of EarthScope’s major targets is the Midcontinent Rift (MCR), a 1.1 billion-year-old scar along which…

New Flexible Array Video Series
By ESNO - Winter 2014
Geology might not be the first thing that comes to mind if you heard the names SESAME, CAFÉ, SUGAR, and OIINK, but these are just a few examples of…

EarthScope Northeastern Interpretive Workshop
By ESNO - Fall 2013
Twenty-six interpretive professionals listened intently as Park Ranger Stephanie Kyriazis (photo) relayed the glacial history of Acadia National Park…

InTeGrate: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future
Cathryn A. Manduca - Winter 2013
InTeGrate is an NSF sponsored community effort to support the teaching of geoscience in the context of societal issues both within…

Understanding Continental Evolution using Data from the Transportable Array
By Dr.Hersh Gilbert - Fall 2012
Do high mountains possess thick roots of low-density crust that keep them a"oat in the denser mantle, or do zones of low-density mantle…

EarthScope Interpretive Workshop - Central Appalachian Region
Photo above, courtesy of Wendy Taylor
Hosted by James Madison University (JMU) and organized by ESNO, this workshop featured…

EarthScope and Place-Based Education
By Steven Semken - Summer 2012
When we affix meaning to any physical locality—by naming it, building a home there, exploring its geology and geophysics as EarthScope…

Tales from the Field: PBO Installation in Alaska
Max Enders - Spring 2012
When UNAVCO set about building the Earthscope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) no challenge was nearly as daunting as the prospect of installing…

EarthScope Social Media Blitz
By ESNO - Spring 2012
Social media sites have emerged as a popular and effective form of communication among all age groups, with more than half of the teenage and adult…